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10:00 AM - 07:45 PM
0 Reviews
Vegetable in Brown Rice
345 PHP
862.5 PHP
310.5 PHP
391 PHP
391 PHP
310.5 PHP
310.5 PHP
368 PHP
345 PHP
862.5 PHP
425.5 PHP
345 PHP
414 PHP
345 PHP
322 PHP
333.5 PHP
310.5 PHP
287.5 PHP
276 PHP
287.5 PHP
276 PHP
253 PHP
287.5 PHP
345 PHP
345 PHP
345 PHP
287.5 PHP
218.5 PHP
345 PHP
loaded with pepperoni, sausage, bacon and beef, veggies, garlic, onions, peppers, mushrooms, black olives and two kinds of cheese
1033.85 PHP
loaded with pepperoni, sausage, bacon and beef, veggies, garlic, onions, peppers, mushrooms, black olives and two kinds of cheese
1148.85 PHP
our big ben without the red
803.85 PHP
our big ben without the red
1148.85 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
861.35 PHP
803.85 PHP
803.85 PHP
803.85 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
230 PHP
207 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
184 PHP
172.5 PHP
172.5 PHP
172.5 PHP
172.5 PHP
172.5 PHP
253 PHP
253 PHP
218.5 PHP
253 PHP
276 PHP
264.5 PHP
299 PHP
287.5 PHP
310.5 PHP
253 PHP
322 PHP
322 PHP